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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Let Your Light Shine

Can't remember what I did yesterday morning before I left for my endoscope.  I also see that I forgot to even put it here on my blog.  What can I say ..... I was nervous and just couldn't sleep.   So, it will be a surprise for all of us.

You can download it at:


The endoscope showed that I have inflammation of the esophagus and stomach, with the major damage to my esophagus.  I have been put on a new medication.  Quite a number of biopsies were done and we will know the results of those next week.  However, my husband told me (I was still asleep) that the specialist told him with all the damage to the lower esophagus ... no wonder I have been in so much pain.  GO FIGURE!!!!!!  In addition, I also have an ulcer.  Needless to say, my diet will continue as it has been.

Hope you all like what I did yesterday .... because for the life of me ....  I JUST COULDN'T REMEMBER!!!!

Hugs, Sue

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