Welcome Digital Scrapbookers

So glad you found me. Just come and sit a spell, it's time to go exploring. Life is an unscripted journey that if you're lucky enough, you capture it with words and photos.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My favorite cat

I am starting to already see the evidence of Halloween in our neighborhood.  It's a time of witches, goblins, batman's, starwar's, princesses, and sooooo much more.

It is by far the second favorite holiday for me.  And, one of my favorite creations from last year is one of a cat.  And, I am going to feature it again .... just because I love him.

Here is today's freebie:
You can download him at:
I have been putting on my thinking cap and I will be creating some new Halloween wordart of this weekend.  So, do stop by then.
Hugs, Sue

Friday, September 13, 2013

Exercise .... hummmmmm

Now, for me I have been dedicated to walking daily for four weeks now.  And, I proud to say that I am accomplishing it.

Yet, I must say .... this morning almost became my moment to break my streak!!!  Do you know that it was 46 degrees outside this morning at 6:00 am?!?!  Now, I don't know about the rest of you ... but that made me pause just a little with the process of setting foot, much less two feet into the cold.  And, to think less than a five days ago the temperatures reached 98 degrees here.  Scary huh!!!!

So, I stuck my head out of the door, with my husband chuckling only to quickly reclose the damn door.  What this called for was a weapon and a prayer.  And proper equipment!!!  So, I pulled out my winter hat, a long sleeve shirt and comfortable sweat pants!!!  Unfortunately couldn't find my gloves ... or I'd been wearing them, too!!!!

So, for all of you "chick-a-dees" that
want to let exercise get the best
of you ...
You can download this one at:
Now, I hope that everyone doesn't mind me poking a little bit of fun at you.  It's called ...  to quote myself.
 "I just couldn't resist". 
And, for anyone who is new to my blog, I want to welcome you with open arms and a smile.  I have been away for almost three months due to a health issue.  If you want to know about it, you can find out about it, by looking back on June entries. 
I am so, so, so, so happy
 to say I am back, healthier and stronger.
And, I hope with just the right words to make you smile and send you on your way to the best day ever today.  I, personally have come to really understand the meaning of enjoying each and every single day that you are given.
I have taken on new things and now continue with some of the old things that made me happy.  I am walking daily, I am getting stronger by the moment, I am appreciating everything, I am learning to just find that silver lining no matter what.  I don't allow negativity to creep in and I just love more deeply.
And, I want to create for all of you, again.
Thank you for stopping by.
Hugs, Sue

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We must never forget ....

Today when I went on my morning walk, my thoughts travelled back to memories that hurt me.

Today is September 11, 2013
and I can't help but
September 11, 2001 

I know all of us can remember that day vividly as if it were only yesterday.  I still can feel the  unbelievable horror and pain.  For me, I felt and learned that evil had come to knock at our doorstep.  Prior to that morning, I had never experienced disbelief, mixed with sorrow and fear.

Like all of us though ... even with all the tears I shed that morning when the first plane hit.  I chose during that first week following September 11th, to reach for something far more meaningful.  I found out what is really means to be an American.  Our country became one, whole in every way.  We watched courage daily from our fellow Americans and we came together  "AS ONE PEOPLE" which is truly what I pray for today.  I think we have forgotten. 

Our country is very divided right now; all of us are fearful and weary of war as a community and Nation.  My prayers go out to our President, Congress and military because no matter what.  Our  world needs healing.  No matter what happens in Syria ... our world is effected.  Not just America or Europe or Russia or China or North Korea or the Middle East ... this is the only planet we have.  I just pray with all my heart that decisions are made to protect our humanity.

My freebie today is dedicated to that day, the memories it holds for all of us and our endurance as a Nation to stay STRONG and UNITED forever.

You can download this at:

May each of you take a moment for reflection on this day.

With all my love, Sue

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hello again ....

I know that it has been such a long time since everyone has heard from me.  Before, I go any further I want to thank every single one of you that has come by for a visit during my absence of the past few months.

It has been a long road forward for me, and at the same time such a blessed one as well.  I have learned so much since June.  I have learned to have patience with myself.  I learned about limitations.  I learned about believing anything is possible.  I learned how lucky I really am.  I learned to appreciate each and every single moment.  And, I learned that the "moments" are just as important as the "days".  But, most important ... I learned about me!!!!

Yet, in all my moments, that turned into days which finally ended up totaling in months ... I have missed all of you.  There were so many days when I wanted to just come and talk.  Yet, I believed in my heart this wasn't really the place for me to burden my friends.  And, all of you ... are just that.  You are my dear friends.   I have valued your continued support.

I decided that it was important that the next time "I CAME FOR A VISIT", it would be to bring again a free wordart.  And, that day has FINALLY arrived.

So, welcome back ....
My freebie for today:
 You can download this at:
There is a story behind this wordart because about two months I set a goal for myself to accomplish on my 64th birthday, September 7, 2013. 

And, that was run in a 5K relay!!!
It is and was  my way of thanking my incredible and supportive family and God. 

Now, I have always, always been the spectator when it comes to running.  Running was for other people ... like my daughter, Angie.  The thought of just running ... that was plain tiring.  And, I wasn't the one doing it.  You see, I believed in WATCHING only.  Yet, one night ... COMPLETELY LOST IN MY BRAIN ... the thought came and I knew that I wanted to do it. 
Yes, I wanted this .... but I wondered if I could?  This was an "impossible achievable" dream and I went after it.  I started by walking 30 minutes, then 45 minutes and then one hour.  And, when the day finally arrived ... I was scared out of my mind!!!!  I even thought I was going to "throw up" before I even got started.  And, I just prayed .... I knew I'd prepared myself to the best of my ability.  I just really, really wanted to DO THIS!!!  I had to BELIEVE upset stomach and all that
Here is me at the finish line:
And, last but least I must share with all of you.
This is from the Cedar River Valley Association
Marion, Iowa
I just had to share with everyone. I got an email today from Aaron T. telling me I was featured on their site about the Swamp Fox Festival 5K. 
Their Comment: 
"AWESOME story about this runner. Her name is Sue B. If I heard her right through the joy and tears, she is recovering from a stroke. THIS is what a champion LOOKS like". 
What a unexpected surprise and added memory for my first 5K
that I got yesterday, September 9th .
So, you see my free wordart is dedicated to everyone's IMPOSSIBLE DREAMS because I am proof that they can come true.  I want everyone to know and realize that I believe with all my heart that anything is possible, no matter what obstacles may come your way.
So, happy .......
Love, Sue

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What is the brain

Now, I must tell you .....

Like most of each of us, I took my brain for granted.  No matter what I want to do, it is already ready to go into action.  I want to get out of bed; it signals for my legs to just lean down and move.  When my stomach growls it tells me I am hungry.

But, mine is feeling so very out of whack ....

It's giving me a headache

I'd really like to go to Kohl's and just return it because it sure feels defective.  I even have a hospital receipt, bill unpaid for them to credit.  You see no matter what I want it to do .... it has a mind of it's own.

I want to spell .... it's the practical joker. 

I am a great speller

Try to think .... and I'm like where did that word come from?!?!?!  Not even what I was thinking!

Challenge myself and think slower

To only sound like Ms. Chop-chop-chop- and destroy the English language.

Just think I will come up with my own Sue-ism's.  Do you think I should sell them???????

And, then there's the 3-5 second pain that travels through the left side of my head that stops me cold; I can't move at all until they leave.  And, I am getting them about three every hour on the hour.  Doc says that's normal.

My entire family is freaking out .... daughter Christa is still staying with us, daughter Angie calls from Texas twice a day, my mother wants to know why I'm not calling her three times a day, my husband has become my shadow and my son, Drue keeps repeating as if I didn't already know .....

"Mom, you had a stroke"
I know they are all worried about me.  Duh, I'm worried about me!!!!  They keep wanting me to be the same and it's plain freaking them all out!!!!  And, all I want to do is go hide!!!!  Because I know and don't feel normal!!!
My husband is a man that only knows how to fix problems and this is sooo, soooo hard on him.  I know that he is feeling helpless.  He is a take charge kind of man.  He is a "let's find the solution" and work on it.  Solution, solution, solution.  He is driving me crazy, but I love him so much for all his caring.  So, then I get frustrated with myself.

I went looking for a painting that just describes how I feel.  And, this one fits it perfectly.  I feel like this brain doesn't belong to me.  I am just consumed by all my emotions.  And, I am feeling very confused.  I don't know which person I am going to feel next.  For days I have been so angry because I want to go watch Justin play in the All-Stars.  No one has been able to reason with me.  And, the person I am the most frustrated with is myself and my husband is running a close second.  I feel like a child just wanting my own way.  I know everyone wants what is best for me, yet I feel so frustrated.
So, I am trying to turn now to my faith.  I am trying to take the time to listen to Him.  It's really so hard because I know that I am angry and grateful with Him also.  I just feel like a contradiction in everything.

You can download this at:
For anyone that has not been to my blog in a while, and has returned today I unfortunately had a minor stroke.  And, if you are new to the blog .... don't get scared off.  I don't usually sound this lost in myself.  I have asked to use my blog as a sounding board and so many of my friends here have told me I can.  It really does help me!!!!!
Hugs, Sue