It is the story that makes this photograph have meaning. It is one that I have received from my daughter, Christa. This is a gift to our daughter and guess who's chair it really is. Yes, that's a fact ... it belongs to her two cats.
Welcome Digital Scrapbookers
So glad you found me. Just come and sit a spell, it's time to go exploring. Life is an unscripted journey that if you're lucky enough, you capture it with words and photos.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Turning Into A Vampire
Will You Be My Valentine?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
One Hundred

Now there are many, many ways to celebrate the 100th day of the school year. However, I believe my granddaughter, Allison should get the GRAND prize. Why, you ask .... quite easily her mother and she did it with bracelets, necklaces, rings, ponytails, barrettes, clippies and silly banz that totalled one hundred. Way to go, Allison.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Silver Bells
This is one of my favorite photographs that I have taken this winter season. I just love the stillness of the moment. The frost captured on each barren branch capsulated just added to the beauty and ofcourse, the snow. I attempted to place it in a scrapbook page, but nothing I did seem to enhance what the photograph captured. So, I didn't try. I just added some words.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
It's time to stop snowing ....
Where's our snow????

Now, there is a sad circumstance I must finally reveal to all. Last year on December 4, 2009 it SNOWED in Katy, Texas. Alas, I must report that this year my grandchildren of Texas bound only had one wish this Christmas. They wanted SNOW TO FALL. I must sadly state this fact ... no snow was seen at all.
Texas Time
One of the hard things for me to receive is photographs of my children in Texas. This is one of not very many, I was able to take off of facebook. This is my daughter, Angie with her brother's son, Tristan. Tristan went to Texas for Christmas. Isn't the weather nice and warm? And, just look .... they are all in SHORT sleeves. 

Monday, January 17, 2011
Christa and I
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Best Shot

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Christmas Scrapbooking
I am coming close to the end of my Christmas Scrapbooking. There are many, many scrapbook pages I have not included here. The ones you see are only ones that I have done each day since I started this blog. It has been a fun-filled, thought provoking adventure. But, I am ready to move on .... there are new adventures yet for me to document in the month of January.
Magic Camera
Friday, January 14, 2011
Just Us

Part of the holiday picture taking is always those of your family. It's a way of making sure that you have something to look back upon. They are what brings you smiles, when you are remembering back. It might be the memory of a hug or it might be the memory of "I don't want my picture taken". Yet, just the same ... all of it makes you smile.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Sitting

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Just Listen
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Christmas Tree

One of the things I am always looking for, is a different prospective when I take photographs.
In this case, I decided to lay on the floor looking up at my newly decorated Christmas tree and that's how I took these two photos.
As I looked at my photographs tonight, an idea came into my head ... what does the Christmas Tree look like to a two year old looking at it.
Presto ... the tree must look like it is thirty feet high.
The Window

How often, do you wish that you were at the window looking in? Christmas time often brings that wish, especially if you are not there.
In my mind, I always picture a child. And, in that photo in my mind that child captures the essense of the holiday.
This photo of Justin, does just that. I surrounded him with the "Smells of Christmas". I can almost taste the candy canes and chocolate chip cookies. How about you?
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Invitation

Now, I have been practicing daily on my bowling stance and delivery skill. And, I have managed to become quite a good "Kinect" no-weight bowling ball bowler. And, with this new found skill what better way to show off my skills than an invitation for a Family Kinect Sports Marathon.
And with that, this invitation is placed to the Burgess Clan. All you have to do, is bring your appetite for energy building pizza and coke.
Fun will be had by all participates, the only requirement being ... EVERYONE MUST PLAY. That means kids, parents and grandparents.
Let's have a night of fun and laughter had by all.
Camera's will be allowed.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Time To Open Gifts

One of the things that must be documented is the opening of Christmas presents. It is what children look forward to the most. It is also one of the most hectic moments to try to capture. For, it always seems that whoever you're trying o take the picture of, is looking the wrong way or the wrapping paper gets in the way of that perfect shot. Needless to say, this year I snapped many more of those crazy moments so that I could capture that most special of all times. The opening of presents.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
A Lost Christmas Card

Everyday I waited for the mailman to come during the month of December in anticipation of who's Christmas card would I receive that day. There I'd stand in winter's cold and quickly scan all the addresses on the cards I received.
Now, my daughter Christa told me this .... Mom, I am so busy I probably won't have time to do Christmas cards this year. Do you think I really believed her. Ofcourse not.
Well, the month of December has come and gone and no Christmas card did I receive from the Burgess residence.
So, just to tease her just alittle bit ..... I have made this Christmas card for her.
Friday, January 7, 2011
My Mother

Today I received this photograph of my mother with her brothers and mother. This such a precious photograph for me. My mother is now 81 years old. I can just see a tiny glimpse of my mother as I know her in this photo. She sure was a cute little girl. And she is the only one smiling, too. Her brothers, Erich and Karl are so serious, as well as, her mother. I love too, the seeing how different her mother dressed at the time.
God's Gifts

When I marvel at my many gifts I have received, the ones that I find mean so much to me are my grandchildren. I wanted to make a scrapbooking page that truely told everyone just what a gift they are. One of the things that is so nice about the internet, is that you can go on it and just about find anything that you want. For me, I was looking for just the right poem that would express how I feel. This poem, for me says it all. So, with that ... this is my scrapbook page to my wonderful, magnificient, gorgious and talented grandchildren. I love you all. Nana
Naughty Or Nice

One of the things that is a constant battle, is my weight. Today's scrapbook page is a fun-filled dedication to just that. Now, it is obvious that my daughter, Christa has taken it onto herself to ensure that Santa knows I need help. Her special gift this year included this book. I just loved it!! It made me not only smile, it made me LAUGH. So, in tribute to my daughter, Christa; this is the scrapbook page I made. It is my way of saying thank you to her. Plus, I just couldn't resist the temptation of just giving it a little "Naughty Or Nice" twist. Hope it makes you smile.
Happy New Year
Wow .... it is another new year.
Everything is beginning again, everything is again a new start.
For me, that is what I love the most about it. The fact that is means starting fresh, the personal desire to enjoy starting again. The year 2010 was an exceptionally good one for me.
I have a great husband that I got to share each and every single day with. Being retired means that. I find that it is really good to be able to spend it with him. I continue to become closer to my two children that live right here by me. I am lucky to have this time with them. I am getting to know my Iowa grandchildren; it's like a second time. That is so fulfilling. I marvel at having a new baby. I truely think that is lifes greatest reward, being able to watch my family grow. Even though Angie and I live so far apart now, I am grateful for the closeness I have with her, too. The miles do not lessen my love for her. And then, there's the Texas grandbabies as I call them. What can I say, I miss them. That's a fact.
The year 2010 also brought new friendships; those of Burt and Jean and Tony and Lucy. I am grateful for them. Without them, my world would indeed be to small.
And now to cheer in this new year. I am excited about it. And I welcome it. It is new beginnings and growth. I can't wait.
Everything is beginning again, everything is again a new start.
For me, that is what I love the most about it. The fact that is means starting fresh, the personal desire to enjoy starting again. The year 2010 was an exceptionally good one for me.
I have a great husband that I got to share each and every single day with. Being retired means that. I find that it is really good to be able to spend it with him. I continue to become closer to my two children that live right here by me. I am lucky to have this time with them. I am getting to know my Iowa grandchildren; it's like a second time. That is so fulfilling. I marvel at having a new baby. I truely think that is lifes greatest reward, being able to watch my family grow. Even though Angie and I live so far apart now, I am grateful for the closeness I have with her, too. The miles do not lessen my love for her. And then, there's the Texas grandbabies as I call them. What can I say, I miss them. That's a fact.
The year 2010 also brought new friendships; those of Burt and Jean and Tony and Lucy. I am grateful for them. Without them, my world would indeed be to small.
And now to cheer in this new year. I am excited about it. And I welcome it. It is new beginnings and growth. I can't wait.
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