Welcome Digital Scrapbookers

So glad you found me. Just come and sit a spell, it's time to go exploring. Life is an unscripted journey that if you're lucky enough, you capture it with words and photos.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lots of learning

One of the "never-endings" that come again with school .... any school .....

is homework!!!!!!!
This is my preview on this necessary evil

You can download it at:

I just couldn't resist this little guy.  His expression just says it all!!!!

Lots of hugs, Sue

1 comment:

Sheryl CS Johnson said...

I highlighted your freebie on my blog today (Is that the second time? I love this one!). Thank you. http://scrapbookalphabet.blogspot.com/2012/08/fridays-guest-freebies_17.html