Welcome Digital Scrapbookers

So glad you found me. Just come and sit a spell, it's time to go exploring. Life is an unscripted journey that if you're lucky enough, you capture it with words and photos.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Are you ever hiding away from Monday?
Is it you're least favorite day?
Do you get up in the morning on that day
and dread the whole week ahead?
Do you feel like Friday will never come?
Today's freebie is themed to that thought
and ofcourse, Halloween.
Why ......
because black cats just
are part of Halloween!!!!!!!!

I found this cute, cute kitty cat yesterday online
and I couldn't resist doing another
Halloween freebie around him.
But, in addition ...
I just did it around "Mondays"
You can both freebie in this download:
Have a wonderful, spooked, ball-of-fur day.
Hugs, Sue


Decosse's Dynamite Doodles said...

When I was younger and had to go to school and even in college and again when I had the responsibility of going to work, I absolutely HATED Mondays. So thanks for this. It brought back some interesting memories.
Lisa D.

Terry, Dog Lover said...

I've really enjoyed looking at your artwork! I found you from the freedigi website. I've downloaded a few and will try to make cards with them. Thank you!


Chris said...

So cute...thank you!!!

Moments by Marla said...

So much fun - thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks bunches.

Sheryl CS Johnson said...

I highlighted your blog and this freebie on my blog Sunday. Thank you http://scrapbookalphabet.blogspot.com/2012/10/sundays-guest-freebies-grans-9-creations.html