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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dear Santa

I have been wondering this morning ..... did everyone get what they wanted Santa to bring?

Now, with that thought in mind I thought I would poke a little fun this bright and sunny morning.

Here is my preview:
You can download this at:
I just couldn't resist poking some fun at this timeless "problem" that does happen from time to time.  Sorry, dear St. Nick .... but, I just couldn't resist.  I guess, I've just been placed on his naughty list for next Christmas!!!!!
I also want to tell everyone, my Miss Allison did pretty well yesterday.  She has been experiencing sleep apnea and it has been a little frightening for her parents, especially her mother.  Thier family doctor sent them to a specialist on December 24th and he advised that her tonsils be removed immediately due to their size.  I was quite amazed that the specialist moved that quickly and that her surgery was scheduled on December 28th.  The only problems she experienced was some vomiting when she was in recovery.  Hopefully this corrects the problem of sleep apnea.
With that I bid you all a good day.  Everyone stay warm. 
Hugs, Sue


Patty said...

Glad to hear she's doing well!!

Crystalnva said...

This is just tooooooooo cute! THANK YOU ;~} for sharing but 4shared has issues its saying
HTTP status 500

Happy New Year & PLEASE Stay SAFE !!!

Sharon said...

Glad your grand daughter is doing ok.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU agin ;~} I got it to DL....
from crystalnva

Sheryl CS Johnson said...

I highlighted your blog and this freebie on my Sunday's Guest Freebies. Thank you. http://www.scrapbookalphabet.blogspot.com/2013/01/sundays-guest-freebies-grands-9.html