Welcome Digital Scrapbookers

So glad you found me. Just come and sit a spell, it's time to go exploring. Life is an unscripted journey that if you're lucky enough, you capture it with words and photos.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Baby's Love Token

No Mother's Day could be complete without at least one wordart done around a little baby toddler.

If any mother has had the experience of colored walls at any time .... Mom's don't find this very funny.  Actually our reactions are ..... complete horror ..... and that is more like it!!!!

I have had this experience with all three of my children when they were toddlers.  And, believe it or not .... as I look back .... I should have just left those artistic beginning there on the wall for everyone to see.

I am so blessed to have all of my children blessed with the talents of drawing .... like myself.  And, my Miss Abby (my oldest granddaughter) is so, so talented.

Here is one of my scrapbook pages of her talent (drawn when she was 12 yrs old)

Even some of my grandsons are into drawing too.  But, Miss Abby can't have a day go by wtihout drawing.  I am so proud of her.

And here is my freebie Toddler's Mother's Day wordart and this one is dedicated to Miss Abby.

You can download this little toddler for Mother's Day at:  http://www.4shared.com/zip/MEoM6n7j/love_drawing.html

Have a great, great weekend .... I need to get ready for baseball games this afternoon.

Hugs, Sue


Jennifer said...

Love the word art, and so true! Looks like the talent for drawing is passing down from one generation to the next. She is so talented.

CBH said...

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 4 post on May. 06, 2012. Thanks again.

Sheryl CS Johnson said...

I highlighted your freebie on my blog today. Thank you. http://scrapbookalphabet.blogspot.com/2012/05/fridays-guest-freebies_11.html

Chris said...

Very cute, Thank you!!!