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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Have been naughty or nice?

*** If you are doing loading this one after 12/3/12 the Rapid Share will only be available until
12/7/12, after that please download from 4Shared. ****

Have you been naughty?  Have you been nice?  Or have you been both?  Now, that question is asked by every single parent in the world at Christmas time.  Is it our way of trying to get our children to be good?  Is it our way of just smiling inside because "every single child" knows to be good at this time of year?  Oh... the tricks we will use.

Here is my wordart for today.
You can download this at:
***** I have two naughty or nice freebies *****
Just grab both in rapid share!!!!
I have made this freebie two different ways
One for the "nice" children
One for the "naughty" children
I do hope that all of you have gotten into the Christmas Spirit and that each day of December is filled with the "Wonder of Childhood".  There is nothing more heartwarming than looking through the "eyes of a child" especially this time of year.
Hugs, Sue


Decosse's Dynamite Doodles said...

Oh my goodness! This is priceless. I love it. Hmmm...naughty or nice? I know many who fit inno both categories!

Lisa D.

Anonymous said...

this isnt whats in the file ?

Sheryl CS Johnson said...

I highlighted your blog and this freebie on my Thursday's Guest Freebies today. Thank you. http://www.scrapbookalphabet.blogspot.com/2012/12/thursdays-guest-freebies-grands-9.html