Welcome Digital Scrapbookers

So glad you found me. Just come and sit a spell, it's time to go exploring. Life is an unscripted journey that if you're lucky enough, you capture it with words and photos.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Best Present

This one has been done time and time again, but this is my version.

Here is my preview:
You can download it at:
Please forgive me, I know that this one is short but sweet.  But, today is the day I spend with the Lord.  And getting to church on time ..... I'm already late. 
Hugs, Sue


marlah24 said...

I love your version. Thanks.

jperr said...

Thanks for the lovely digi image,its always good to remember it isn't about things.

Decosse's Dynamite Doodles said...

Beautiful work Sue. Thanks so much!


p.s. any reason why you switched on word verification? This is my fourth attempt at trying to leave you this comment. Apparently I'm blind or something!

Lisa Lynn said...

This is so GORGEOUS, thanks so much for sharing.

Sheryl CS Johnson said...

I highlighted your blog and this freebie on my Tuesday's Guest Freebies today. Thank you. http://www.scrapbookalphabet.blogspot.com/2012/11/wednesdays-guest-freebies-grands-9.html